Signaleer Thanaella

Editor’s Note: Back to our Signaleer Series with another in character interview. Not that I’m biased (well, maybe 😉 ) but I do enjoy the Roleplay aspect of gaming.


Katia arrived early at the Armateur, one of the upscale restaurants at Zoohen Theology Council station. Not an establishment she usually visited, but it was a place where the staff and clientele alike knew to respect the privacy of others. Along with that she often would be offered a secluded area of the restaurant with a fantastic view that reminded her of why exploration called to her heart.


Reviewing her datapad, Katia caught up on her next interviewee: Thanaella, Gallente, considers herself a wanderer. Then out of the corner of her eye she caught sight of Thanaella being lead to the table. Smiling, Katia stood, offered her hand in greeting, then nodded at the waiter to bring the prearranged appetizer. Some time later, after finishing their meal which certainly was up to the standards of an establishment such as the Armateur, the conversation moved on to the interview.

“So tell me, why did you become a capsuleer?”

In my head I was always drifting off into fantastical, far away worlds full of war, forever questing, slaying dragons and hunting for treasure. And then one day, 9/9/YC111 to be precise, I decided to “grow up”, become a capsuleer and do the adult thing. What good it brought me.

Katia wondered about that last statement, but decided not to pry. She wanted her interviews to be casual and forthcoming as much as the interviewee allowed without pressing, perhaps more would come out later. “What is your background as a pilot? Did you jump right into exploration, start in the military, hired by a corporation, or something else?”

I started, like so many of us, fresh out of the academy with not an ISK on me. Leaving me no choice but to run missions for whoever wanted to pay me. Dropping off a child’s doll 20 systems away, sure why not. Killing another capsuleer because he pissed you off? Of course, would love to… I hated it, hated it! Where was the adventure, the spoils of war, the excitement?

And then it happened, someone podded me. inevitable I guess and who cares. Everyone knows about the transneural burning scanner. Don’t worry, all will be fine! Until its not…

I died 3/19/YC112 and did not wake up until somewhere in YC116. They told me that’s not possible, that the system is flawless. They made it sound like I am insane, or a charlatan or even worse.

So, off I went, to do the same thing all over again. THE definition of insanity. And just like that, history repeated itself. I got podded again and did not wakeup until very recently.

Odd indeed, Katia thought, perhaps this was a hint? “What attracted you to explore New Eden? Do you have a goal, have you achieved it? If not, are you still working towards it?”

So where does my little problem of not waking up leave me? Every death potentially means losing years and attached to that friends, loved ones. But staying in the station all day like an ISK trader is even worse, or roaming HiSec to hit at rocks. You might as well unplug me now.

And so I roam aimlessly, from wormhole to wormhole, trying to avoid known space and its inhabitants like the plague.

Joining Signal Cartel gave me an additional purpose of tending caches while I am out and it helps to have like-minded capsuleers to talk to. It proves that I am not insane, or not the only insane one.

“Silly Mistake III”

“What is the name of your favorite ship that you enjoy flying the most while exploring?”

“Silly Mistake III” is the name of my ship, an Astero. Why do I fly it? Have you seen its form? Its sleek, beautiful, full of purpose. No visible weaponry, its drones nicely hidden away. I might be passive, but not defenseless.

Katia smiled, she was all too familiar with her own favorite Astero class hull, “Voyager”. “During your travels, what has been the most interesting fact, amazing sight, or other aspect of New Eden that has surprised you?”

Not much surprises me to be honest. Too many years, too many experiences. It makes one stoic, hardened, and yes cynical. Surprises lie with the inhabitants of space, that one capsuleer that doesn’t kill you. Or the pilot who talks to you when your down and close to initiating the self-destruct sequence. Or the clowns that makes you laugh. It’s the stories we tell, the stories we live.

“What have you learned or what advice would you give to someone interested in exploring New Eden?”

Seek out like minded individuals, find a Corp that suits your style, even if you are the silent lone wolf type. Nobody likes to fly alone. No one should fly alone.

”It’s interesting you say that, because I think it’s so true with Signal Cartel, for the most part, we are lone wolves who’ve found comfort in community, yet still fly alone. So, from your wanderings, do you have a favorite image that you wouldn’t mind me posting and sharing from your explorations?”

How does one capture the darkness, loneliness, and cold of space? With its natural beauty, its splashes of color and sprinkles of light. Alas, I tried but have failed, yet again…

“Splashes of color and sprinkles of light, so true and eloquently said. You’ve not failed. Thanks so much for the interview, so glad in getting to know my fellow Signaleers.”

Interviewer’s note: After the interview Thanaella supplied me with the more technical aspects of her Astero.

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