Anoikis (a poem)

Void Raven

I pass through space,
I pass through time,
in this most wondrous place.
Mesmerizing, so sublime;
childlike awe upon my face.
Here I cannot ever reign.
I am lost; lost again.

Planets hang in velvet night.
Shattered, plasma, lava, storm;
one and all a stirring sight.
About a parent star they swarm;
children bathed in loving light.
Naught here is mundane.
I am lost; lost again.

All alone and solitary,
to the silence I resign.
Awash in beauty far from ordinary;
behind me vivid colors shine.
In this hallowed sanctuary,
ancient and arcane,
I am lost; lost again.

Is this real or a dream?
The question burns;
the truth unseen.
The soul, it yearns
for Anoikis; so supreme.
May it always thus remain,
so I can be forever lost again.

  • Void Raven

Simple musings on SC credo… (a poem)

Void Raven

The credo at once is deeply thoughtful, yet in some ways straightforward too.

Scare none with a first strike while screaming “Boo!”

From weapons, launch only fireworks of wondrous beauty,

for in so doing there’s never breach of duty.

Treat all with kindness and genuine respect.

Humbly serve New Eden without neglect.

Of prime importance is pure intent of deed

for then no awkward dialog with leadership shall we need.

Be resolutely neutral; act even-handed.

Boldly rescue the lost and the stranded.

In defeat, wear a smile; shed no tears in local chat.

Instead offer “gf” and don’t engage in tit-for-tat.

Always live in peaceful coexistence

and, when in dispute, tread the path of least resistance.

Embrace the solitary and nomadic explorer lifestyle,

to diligently seek that which will surely beguile.

Lastly, not living the credo by improper behavior

Will swiftly draw formidable and stern disfavor.

And thus we arrive at this brief missive’s end.

The arc of my life now happily will bend

toward SC and its credo; both worthy to defend.

  • Void Raven

Consummatum Est (a poem)

Void Raven

by Void Raven
(In tribute to the achievement of Katia Sae)

Consummatum Est

Nine years ago she heard a relentless call
to embark on a journey to see it all,
It touched the wanderer in her soul
and foreshadowed countless jumps through both stargate and wormhole.

And so, in answer, did she set sail
on a venture so grand it makes others seem pale,
On March the 9th, YC121
was the great endeavor finally done.

And on that truly singular day
“Consummatum est” she heard her grandfather say.
“I’ve wandered the stars and now, at last, count my soul among them.” said she,
shaking stardust from her hair and brimming with glee.

So now, fulfilled is this glorious dream
with the aid of her fellow explorers in the Signal Cartel team.
In Saisio now stands a beautiful bronze statue for all to see,
the place where New Eden will remember Katia Sae in eternity.

  • Void Raven

The Tender (a poem)

Felippe en Distel

Our Signaleers are pilots of many talents and some, while wiling away the hours deep in Anoikis, turn to verse. Felippe en Distel is one such Signaleer who has captured the life of the rescue cache tender:

The Tender

She drops a bookmark, warping off
the entrance hole; though she would scoff
at evermore returning there:
to retend caches lent her care?
No, onward she will surely go
To scan and map, to tend and sow,
And drive on into systems deep,
Forgetting food and drink and sleep.

To seek this cache, she bounces thrice,
Through planet’s sash of rock and ice,
And there and back again she’ll go,
’til canister on grid shall show.
That beacon (casting pilots’ fears
of losing probes and, stranded here,
be forced to self-destruct their pod,
their evening’s ratting gone to sod,
away) be now in sight, so near
To our intrepid Signaleer!

A warp, a check of d-scan quick,
A copy/paste of password, click,
Reveal a set of probes (expected),
Launcher mod; the goods inspected,
something’s missing… yes, a hug!
She taps her hold and drops a jug
of spirits into wanting can,
‘fore dropping her own probes to scan.

Red to green, her sigs progress,
with sharper signal, probe size less.
And noting wormhole type and class
of system, in this final pass,
She settles on an exit hole,
And splashes, reigniting soul
When Allison’s kind words implore
To tend again, to sow once more.

  • Fellipe en Distel