The credo at once is deeply thoughtful, yet in some ways straightforward too.
Scare none with a first strike while screaming “Boo!”
From weapons, launch only fireworks of wondrous beauty,
for in so doing there’s never breach of duty.
Treat all with kindness and genuine respect.
Humbly serve New Eden without neglect.
Of prime importance is pure intent of deed
for then no awkward dialog with leadership shall we need.
Be resolutely neutral; act even-handed.
Boldly rescue the lost and the stranded.
In defeat, wear a smile; shed no tears in local chat.
Instead offer “gf” and don’t engage in tit-for-tat.
Always live in peaceful coexistence
and, when in dispute, tread the path of least resistance.
Embrace the solitary and nomadic explorer lifestyle,
to diligently seek that which will surely beguile.
Lastly, not living the credo by improper behavior
Will swiftly draw formidable and stern disfavor.
And thus we arrive at this brief missive’s end.
The arc of my life now happily will bend
toward SC and its credo; both worthy to defend.
- Void Raven